The Technology Used To Combat Climate Change

Our carbon-heavy society has taken a toll on the environment. Since the start of industrialisation, the average temperature of Earth has gone up by one degree Celsius. Without severe cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, more solar energy will be trapped in the atmosphere. The highly-energised atmosphere is more unstable, causing climate change, with unusually longer and more severe droughts, blizzards, heat waves, and intense rains in many countries.

With that in mind, we are going to take a look at some of the technologies we are using today to combat climate change:

Electric Vehicles- fossil fuel is a major contributor of greenhouse gas emissions. Electric and hybrid cars are an ideal green solution in the transportation sector. Automotive batteries are increasingly more efficient and lighter, allowing electric cars to move faster and farther. Current lithium batteries are more durable and can be charged faster, so they are more practical for daily uses. However, it is important to properly dispose of and recycle lithium batteries to avoid harming the environment with dangerous chemicals.

Wind Power- in recent years, large offshore wind farms have been constructed in many areas, especially around the North Sea. Offshore wind farms are still relatively new, but they constitute a larger percentage of power generation. Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, and China are also major contributors in this sector.

Solar Power- over the past ten years, solar energy costs have fallen dramatically, making it possible for many households to set up their own solar panels. However, power efficiency of solar cells is still low, at less than 25%. Even so, researchers are still working to make sure that solar energy is more accessible and more efficient.

Fuel Cells- fuel cells are an attractive proposition because they are clean and produce efficient energy output. These cells require hydrogen and compressed oxygen to operate. Unfortunately, nearly all of the global hydrogen production is from coal and natural gas. From every ton of hydrogen produced, about 12 tons of CO2 are released. A green way to produce hydrogen is by electrolysing water into hydrogen and oxygen. Once enough excess electricity produced by solar and wind power farms, water electrolysis process will be completely sustainable. Fuel cells can be used for cars, emergency backup power in buildings and mobile devices.

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